A member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Kimberly K. Schmidt is the author of many acclaimed children’s books. A retired nurse, Kim is married with two grown sons and lives with her husband on a farm near Charlottesville, Virginia. Grayson Farm is home to many horses, three dogs, four cats, many chickens and a miniature goat named Henry. Her animals always find their way into her stories.
Kim spends her time breeding and training horses, teaching horseback riding lessons, competing in the sport of dressage and writing children’s books.
Marina Saumell: Illustrator
The talented illustrator, Marina Saumell, resides in Mar del Plata, Argentina, with her husband and two children. She has a degree in Architecture and worked as an architect for several years. Her love for children’s books inspired her to become a freelance illustrator following the birth of her first child.